Period murder scene

Anyone else bleeding to death that time of the month in your early 40s?

I didn’t mean to show you the blood on that sheet I’m lying on. But I realized it was in the picture and was like why not?

That’s from when the period blood seeped through my period cup, pad and period underwear, and I rolled off the towel I put under me last night.

Oh, the clots.

If I didn’t know better, I’d suspect I was having a miscarriage.

When I go to the bathroom and change the products, it’s like a murder scene from Forensic Files.

It’s not like this every month.

But when it is, it scares the shit (blood?) out of me.

I think I’ll make an appointment with my gyno. Maybe time for an ablation?

In the meanwhile, tell me I’m not alone. ♥️

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