The Biggest Loser

That’s been us lately except instead of losing weight we have just been losing.

Small losses. Nothing terrible. At the art contest, in volleyball, and when I busted my butt with my colleagues to throw an awesome city birthday celebration and we weren’t selected for an award. When I gambled and lost a few dollars at the Vegas airport. When my daughter and I showed up at her doctor’s appointment and they said they would have to reschedule us.

It’s easy to let the little losses pile up in your brain like a mound of sticky goo that seals you to the floor and keeps you from moving.

Then I remind myself that you have to try in order to have the privilege of losing. That itself is a victory. And winning wouldn’t taste as sweet if it happened all the time and without toiling to get there.

So we will keep trying and maybe losing. For that, we are the biggest winner.

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